Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well, he did it. My brother, the idiot, got married yesterday in a courthouse in Texas. I have not yet congratulated him and my mom thinks it's bullshit that I haven't yet. Well, it could possibly be because I don't support his dumb ass. "Well, it's about unconditional love of your family." Yeah, I love my brother, but that still doesn't mean I have to support his dumb decision. "You're just jealous then." And Justin couldn't have put it any better when he said this:

I wish I could live in Texas with my in laws that I just met with rattle snakes all over the place and 5000 degree temperatures after marrying someone in a yeehaw courthouse somewhere that I just met like three days ago and only did so so I could live off the the government because I know I can't support myself.

Then my mom said, "At least he didn't elope in Vegas." No, mom, he didn't. He eloped in Texas.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Timeline of events.

Here is a timeline of events:

Sometime in 2008-2009: Zach meets Ashley.
Between meeting and January 2011: They hung out a few times when she came to visit people (supposedly).
January 2011: Zach goes to Texas with his bff and hangs out with her (his bff is also her brother).
March 2011: Zach decides to tell us they are getting married.
Later March 2011: They're getting married in a courthouse in Texas.
April 2011: Bridal shower the day before Easter.
June 2011: Wedding ceremony in Texas.

This is stupid. I don't want to stand up in the wedding and I don't want to help with the bridal shower. I don't know her. This is really creating some hostile feelings in me.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So much BS.

That's right. Bullshit. 100% bullshit.

What's wrong? you ask. Well, my brother decided to bring his NEW girlfriend (like a month tops) over a couple weeks ago for us to meet her. Then this last weekend occurred, in which he thought it was a fantastic idea to tell us that they're getting married in Texas next week when he goes down there.

His logic: We've technically been together for three years and I've seen her a few times. Like every time she came to visit, I would go on a break with Michelle.

Um, no you didn't, because I would have heard about them. AND get this. He got engaged to Michelle so that he could try and get over his feelings for Ashley. Tell me that's not stupid. Then he shouldn't have been with Michelle for almost two years. Sooo... yea someone explain this.

On top of that, they decided that even though they're getting married in a COURTHOUSE, they absolutely can't wait to have an actual ceremony in June. We are expected to all fly down to Texas for a SUNDAY ceremony. W. T. F.

It's really stressing everyone out.

Did I mention she's going into the Air Force and he won't be able to be with her for like four or five months for basic and AIT? And then if she gets deployed somewhere he can't go? Holy shit, this is a terrible idea.