Sunday, December 26, 2010


I hope everyone had an excellent holiday and Santa was good to you. I'm not sure about anyone else, but it seems like the older I get, the less exciting holidays become. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween... they're just beginning to feel like regular days to me. Even my birthday isn't as exciting as it used to be when I was younger.

That's not to say my holiday wasn't good, though. I got to spend it with my family (after work, of course. What place was open past 3 on Friday? Oh, that's right. My place of work) and eat delicious lasagna. I didn't have to go in yesterday, but it's back to work today. Justin got me pretty chandelier earrings and a gorgeous Love's Embrace pendant necklace for Christmas. I love them and can't stop wearing them! Mom and Dad got me an eye makeup... thing... and it tells me how to layer and blend the colors. Which is good, since I apparently have no clue how to do it by myself. And don't forget the pile of money from the rest of the family. Even Justin's parents gave me money. I love his family.

And now, since it's just like every other day, I'm sitting and waiting to go to work and watching Lord of the Rings. My life. How exciting.

Fun stuff to read:
EW. Ew. EW.
I miss WoW sometimes.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


It's that time of year again.

The time of year when there are ridiculous lines that stretch to the off ramp to get into Target. The time of year when dad wants to know my grades. The time of year when mom pulls her hair out and some of it could fall into the lasagna. The time of year when you order things online in November and they still won't get here until after the holiday.

That's right. It's Christmas.

I get to see friends I haven't seen in awhile, which is always nice. Dan, Adam, Kate (Kevin), and Maggie came over last night. We all went to dinner at the Bistro (try the volcano chicken mmm) and headed down to La Cage. Justin came along and he ended up having a really good time and made a new friend in Adam.

On a side note, can someone explain why everyone on Jerry Springer is from the south? And why the stories they tell always involve WalMart?

Anyway. It's time to start cleaning my room. Apparently we're having the Christmas party tomorrow (which is cause for my mom's hair pulling), and she is under the impression that people will want to be in my room. It's ok. I should dust and vacuum it anyway.

Happy Non-Denominational Holiday!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My life.

I'm tired of always fighting about things. We spent all day on the phone arguing. That's unreasonable. Seriously. Whatever. Pissed.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Too long.

I feel like it's been quite awhile since I've written, so here are some things that have happened in the not so distant past:
A.V. Club stuff (happening this week).
Washed my sheets and put new ones on my bed (only relevant because I just did this).
Bought Justin's Christmas presents. I just have to find a time to run some errands alone to price compare.
I will be watermarking some more pictures.
I have applied for about a million and three jobs and internships.
Relevant to the latter, I need another job or one that pays better.

There really haven't been any very exciting things happening. This is the last week of the semester and I have one final next week. Apparently I have one on Friday, even though it's not finals week. So, please enlighten me on this.

I'm going to have to start my workout regimen after Christmas, along with a better diet that doesn't consist of Edwardo's pizza and things ridden with sodium and carbs. They make me feel fat and bloated.

Newsworthy things:
More pirates!
I don't really think any of this is embarrassing.
I want to go here.
Saturn's rings.
Make your own job.
Something really really awesome and that I wish I'd had in high school. The one about Cleopatra is best.

Also, please enjoy this.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gobble Gobble.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did down in Chicago with Justin and everyone else in my family. We came back around 9:30 or so and spent time with his parents as well. It was a good day. Good food, good people, good drinks. You can't really ask for anything better.

I got a new job as a freelance writer for an online news website. It's pretty exciting and decent money, which means I can quit the Bistro and have Christmas with my family instead of watching everyone else have Christmas at the Bistro with their families. Just because the owners don't celebrate Christmas doesn't mean the rest of us don't have to. I don't understand the logic at that place most of the time. Oh well. I'm just excited to start building a better resume with experience. I'll probably end up doing something in journalism instead of advertising once I get my degree, which is still a million years away because Whitewater is unbending to my needs.

Enjoy this, because I sure do (it's ZELDA!!!):

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well, I got myself a freelance writing job. Go me! I applied for an advertising position I can do from home so hopefully I get that. Or something. Yay freelance writing!

Also, make sure you vote for Zombie TV for the Mashable Awards.

Donkey Kong!
More Pluto drama.
Stores you can buy from online before Black Friday!
Thanksgiving can kill!
Thanksgiving myths.

So everyone have a nice Thanksgiving!

Please enjoy this picture of a woman looking for a piece of delicious bacon in a Kong toy, as described in an article on Hyperbole and a Half.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Well, it was a relatively good night and fantastic morning.

I got my hair cut last night and I learned how to do stuff with it. Let's hope I can remember how to do these things.

I had an interview yesterday with a martinizing place. I'm not too interested in working alone for four hours. I feel safer in a store when I'm working with someone. I've been applying for jobs nonstop since Sunday when I left the Jug. I don't miss that place one bit.

Its going to be a nice day relaxing until the Bistro tonight. I also have to make time the next few days to do the 'online article' assignment for the internship because I really want it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Events of Note.

Well first off, I quit Loaf and Jug on Sunday. REGS had me give him my key on Saturday that I used for opening. When I asked why I don't open anymore, he told me, while laughing, that I don't do my job. Well, I'm sorry that I open by myself and that the prep list was 8,931 pages long, while only having 2 hours to complete this. Not to mention, there are two girls that open Sundays (that's right, two of them) who have no prep list because I did everything the day before. Remember, the guy that told me I don't do my job is the same guy that sits at a table for the entire time Loaf and Jug is open, cutting out recipes from magazines and bossing everyone else around. Excuse me, are your hands broken? Can you not do the simple tasks that you are asking us to do?

Which brings me to my next noteworthy event: job hunting! I've been doing so since Sunday, and I think I'm making some headway. It doesn't matter that only about 1/8 of the jobs I've applied to have gotten back to me, it just matters that I've had some response. For instance, M&I finally wants to interview. I'm not sure how many time I've applied to this place before. There are some other places I have to go and apply to in person, like a sushi bar in Brookfield. They're looking for a host. What a coincidence, because that is exactly what I do at the Bistro! I may or may not also be interested in bartending jobs in restaurants. What I'm really hoping for is an internship with Commercial Fine Arts and/or a job in my field. It would be so awesome to have an advertising job.

Well, I suppose that's it for now. Fun news stuff:
Meteor shower.
Ireland is almost bankrupt?!
But I love Chinese food!
Harry Potter is dead. I feel this is a bit disrespectful.
Weight loss tips.
Centuries-old murder case!

Also, I absolutely love this video. It reminds me of what I have now <3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I went to Kwik Trip this morning for my regular banana/coffee combination, and I discovered they are hiring. It would sadly be the most I've ever made at any job anywhere, if I applied and got the job. Which I would like to do, except it will make Justin feel like I don't like spending time with him. Or something. Well I'm sorry that I would like to do something better financially for myself. Especially if my parents are serious about making me pay for the one class I need to take next fall because Whitewater won't help me graduate in May.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Recap.

Well, not much happened this weekend, except I worked and whatnot. I lost my Fridays at the Jug, so it was a nice morning off. Yesterday, the boss's son's fiancee, Meg, came in to work. She was there no longer than ten minutes before I decided I hated her. Some old ladies came through the line and said something along the lines of, "It's a wonderful day out!" and I responded with "Yea, and I'm inside all day, har har." Promptly after that, I was talking to Meaghan about our (the weekend crew's) lost hours and Meg chimes in with, "Well, it's because you guys don't do your job. And Meaghan, you're nothing but rude to customers. And Kaylan, you didn't need to make that snide remark to those ladies." I was like, "Um, do I know you?" I wasn't talking to her, so there was no need for her to get involved. And she was really bitchy about it. I later yelled at her for ten minutes to mind her own business. Meanwhile, REGS and Paula were sitting at a table all day talking about hours. I wanted to go over and ask them if they wanted to do any work. If this is the result of us not doing our jobs the way he wanted, he should have told us at the meeting that either we do our jobs or we will experience a loss of hours, not just go ahead and do it without telling us.

That was probably the most exciting thing that happened all weekend, sadly. I Bistroed it all weekend too, but nothing very exciting happened there, except the consumption of delicious food. Which I will be consuming between classes today, in case you were wondering at all about it. And after the Bistro last night, I took a 2 hour nap because Justin and his family decided they had to watch the Packer game. Football is something I am most not interested in, so I opted for a nap instead. It was wonderful.

I heard on the radio this morning that they have found a way to transform skin cells in to blood cells. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware the field of medicine was actually Jesus. And they are finding ways to kill viruses, too. The medical field may have just made the jump from Jesus to God.

I found an open parking spot before class, so now I'm sitting here til 12:30 waiting for my next class. Oh well. Now I get to listen to the new Maroon 5 cd. Which, may I add, is really good so far.

Links of interest:
Pompeii just doesn't have any luck, does it?
For the ladiesssss.
Astronauts can now pretend they are at a fancy French cafe.
If these are Poland's sexiest girls... well.... ew.
^but I strangely feel the need to purchase this item.
I'm doing this.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Well, the first major development from this weekend is that I am most likely going to quit Loaf and Jug. Why, you may ask? Basically, a couple people are coming back that have been MIA for months and months and they are taking our hours. Yes, those of us who have been opening on weekends and keeping it going. We no longer open and I'm losing my Fridays. I'm coming in at 10 on Saturdays and Sundays. We did all this, and this is how we get thanked? By getting our hours cut for someone who comes in and works 3 1/2 hour shifts? Fridays I usually work 9-3 and this person is coming in and working 10-1:30. Tell me how this makes any sense at all. Whatever. If it stays like this after the schedules that are already up, I'm confronting the boss and most likely quitting if he gives me the same answer he gave Ryan. Ryan worked one day a weekend because he had cross country. Now it's over and he's still working one day, and very pointless shifts. For example, 8-11 Is that even a shift? I'm not sure what's going on at that place, but it better stop.

I am, however, enjoying my time at the Bistro. Everyone there is so nice. The only downside is that I want asian food all the time. Like today, I really really want to stop there on my way home and get some tempura. I can't because I need to start watching my weight though. I'm gaining weight again and it's really discouraging me. This time last year, I was sitting at 140. I'm probably 20 pounds more than that now. Ugh.

The girl in front of me on my way here could not drive. The truck in front of her was going faster. Then we got to campus and she must have seen someone walk to their car because she sat herself in the middle of the aisle while I was driving around the lot trying to find a dumb spot. She must have been sitting there for 5 minutes before I pulled into a meter spot because I no longer give a shit. The parking here is stupid, but I'm not sure who I whine to about it. She was causing traffic problems. What a dumb idiot.

I was also informed I cannot take the last two classes I need to graduate at the same time since I clearly knew that one was a pre req for the other. Yes, I was well aware of this. If my GPA had been high enough last semester when I registered, I would have taken it this semester, you b holes. I've had so many problems with this school. I would never ever recommend it to anyone.

I need these shoes.

Also something fun and educational at the same time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I've been slacking on my updates as of late. Sorry for that. I better get back in my game before you become bored with my lack of exciting events. I work two jobs from Friday til Sunday and I have school and other additional things to do that are not noteworthy during the week.

I'm going to lunch with Katie today, and I really want Jimmy John's. I hope that is what she wants too. That would be just swell.

My BlackBerry messenger has decided to stop playing its alerts and also to not vibrate when in that setting. To Sprint I go today, and also the mall for a protective case which should be significantly less than the ones they sell at Sprint, much like the car charger I purchased at WalFart for $14 instead of the $25-30 for the one at Sprint. Maybe we can stop at Sam's Club after, because whenever Justin and I go there, I always get excited about our future. But I do that a lot.

On a separate note, holy wind. I fear my car may blow away in the breeze.

Wisconsin is pretty awesome.
I wasn't aware this happened. Mostly because it happened yesterday.
Please don't ever do these things.
Fast food can be good? Who knew?
Don't change Superman. It's kind of like blasphemy. And you made him ugly.
Holiday pounds.
Amazon species. They always find cool shit there.

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Been Awhile.

Yea, I don't even remember what day last week I updated, but I think it's about time. It was probably Thursday because, once again, I was frustrated with my psychology class.

The most exciting this that happened since then is that I got a BlackBerry and changed wireless providers. I'm pleased with the BB and my ability to download ringtones without being charged and getting the Internet on my phone and what not.

I went shopping with Justin and his mom last night. She would not let us leave the store until I picked something out. I ended up picking out a Disney necklace with Snow White's apple on it. It was decided it wasn't enough so I got some earrings too. His parents are so nice. They let me eat their food and buy me stuff and stay at their house all weekend.

Something else that was exciting was my first paycheck from the Bistro. $100 for standing around and seating people for 13 hours. Not bad if you ask me.

I'm pissed at Loaf and Jug. For whatever reason this week, I was ganged up on by REGS and I'm not really sure why, but it ruined my weekend for the time period at which I was working at that establishment. I don't even want to get in to it because I'll get irritated all over again, and I'm really not interested in doing that.

Here's some links for your enjoyment.
My favorite board game.
I always knew there was something wrong with Germany.
Cutting back on coffee? I don't think I can do it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I haven't been updating much since I haven't been bored in class much, but I'm going to take an opportunity today to update about my life.

First, Food Wars Milwaukee was on the Travel Channel last night. My parents said my 'ugly mug' was on it quite a bit. Hooray. Don't I feel special? It's just a little too bad that the guy I sent my resume to for an internship never got back to me. It would have been a little fun to go to NYC, but I know as soon as I got there I would be terrified, probably curl into the fetal position in the middle of Times Square, and cry. Then go home, most likely.

I'm getting a new phone tonight. Finally, a Blackberry. It will be purple and it will make me happy.

Ew. Everyone in this class is blowing their nose and coughing all over the place. Get me out of here.

I'm going to lunch with Katie today. Hopefully there is a good place to get Asian food in this town. I've been craving it ever since I started at the Bistro. I'm sad I'm not on the schedule for the rest of the week; they did, however, tell me to keep my phone on in case they needed me. I told Justin, and he wanted to know if there was going to be some kind of dining emergency. DINING EMERGENCY, YOU COME NOW?

Wow, my life has been really uneventful lately, eh?

I didn't know they still did this.
The mafia still exists?
One of the coolest things ever.
You need a psychologist to figure this shit out?

And I know this is old news, but I still find this hilarious. Much like the girl I was behind on my way to class that was wearing mittens and sandals. As if her feet were on vacation.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I just want to voice my frustration at the WoW patch and how it refuses to download the last .02 MB for whatever reason. And also how I cannot play Lord of the Rings Online because I do not have a dumb PC. So now I'm going to try this game, The Kingdom of Loathing. I looooove MMO's and MMORPG's.

Some random things.

I have decided to entertain you, as well as myself, with a list of things I enjoy. Maybe you also enjoy them, too.

Reading. The Legend of Zelda (mainly Ocarina of Time, but Twilight Princess is up there). Nintendo. World of Warcraft. Hanging out. Blogging. The Internet. Writing. Texting. Rum. Going out. The zoo. Puppies. Kittens. Werewolves. Halloween. Cooking. Eating. Culture. Music. Sushi. Anime. Baseball. Tequila. Chocolate milk. Skim milk. Diet cherry pepsi. Sleeping. Sugar free Red Bull and sugar free Monster. Photography. Singing along with the radio. Mac and Apple. Kisses. Hugs. Emotions (captured on film). Indie and foreign films. The Sims 3 (now, if only I could get it to work on my laptop...). Random humorous things. Inside jokes. Laughing. Coffee. Advertising. Ancient history. Warm laundry. Jimmy John's (#6 with extra extra tomatoes and cucumbers + onions and yellow mustard, no mayo, or the #12, no mayo, gutted, no tomato, add onions and bacon). Being cozy in my bed with a nice breeze coming in through the open window. Summer. Driving. Windmills. Taverns. Green and pink. Sunshine. Playgrounds. Thunderstorms.

Now, a list of things I do not enjoy:



Well, I'm a certified 'Responsible Beverage Server.' Not really sure what that means, since I have to go to my city's hall and get a bartending license. Whatever I guess. I got it, I'm certified. Whatever. The class was two hours long and involved the guy teaching it telling stories about his life. Some kid asked if you became less drunk when you puked. Seriously? Have you even looked at a bottle of alcohol before? "If you throw up more, do you become less drunk?" NO. You stay the same drunk because you can't puke it out of your blood stream. Idiot. Not to mention he looked like Pauly D from Jersey Shore, so I automatically didn't like him.

Needless to say, I had a few drinks after class. Dumb vodka Red Bulls. I have an upset stomach today, even though I only had three and stopped before 11. Oh well. And now awesome. I came to campus because attendance is mandatory in this class, and now we can leave because we're doing InDesign. Ugh. Today is a very blah day.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ugh today.

Today started with a fight. This means that today is automatically stupid. I'm crabby for no apparent reason today and I feel like anything that could irritate me even .0001 of a per cent will cause me to flip out on everyone. Ugh.

I have an event downtown with The Onion tonight - another Beer Society. I enjoy those, and it's only a couple hours. I'm bringing Justin, so it should be more fun than the other times.

I had my first night at the Bistro yesterday. I enjoyed it. The hardest thing will be working sections and tables and trying to figure everything out. It'll be like a puzzle. I always wondered why seating always seemed random at restaurants and now I know why.

I have coffee now, so maybe I will feel better soon. I had a really tasty banana this morning, which also pleased me. I just wish I knew why I was so irritable today.

Interesting things from yesterday:
Wealth building.
Island for sale! Island for sale! Get your islands here!
I guess this is the SunChips hype.
Frozen foods. My dad should read this.
Hidden language.

Fun things from today:
Save $1000 by Christmas!
Spices = losing weight.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Parking meter.

So this event was so ridiculous that I just had to share.

I parked at a meter outside my building because no one knows how to park on this campus. So I put in enough time to give me about a ten minute grace period after my last class. Well, I got to my spot and checked the meter to make sure I wasn't losing any significant time/money on it. Twelve minutes. This was an acceptable amount of time in which I wouldn't feel bad about leaving. I opened my door and threw my backpack in my front seat and when I went to shut my door I almost closed it on a girl. I glared and she apologized and I closed my door. Immediately after this, I witnessed her checking my meter for how much time it had left. Do you honestly think I would leave it with an hour or something on it? Twelve minutes. So I sat there for about 3 additional minutes staring out the window so the amount of time left would be insignificant enough for her and her friend. Seriously. I was really confused by this. Like she couldn't wait until I had fully exited the parking space.

Anyway. I just thought I would share this ridiculous story.


First, here are some interesting things from this weekend:
Ethnic deliciousness.
Do you need a new job?
Gay marriage.
Charging for everything.
Ancient Colorado River.

My parents were in Vegas this weekend, so I got to watch my doggies. Let me tell you, they are a bunch of IDIOTS. I have no idea how my mom deals with them on a daily basis, all day on that basis. Nothing of great excitement happened this weekend, though. My bed broke for the eighty-fourth time since I obtained it in January or February. It's made of something similar to petrified wood from the dawn of time. And for whatever reason, it always breaks somewhere in or around the time of five in the morning.

Justin and I went and saw Renee on Saturday evening. I drank too much wine for having to wake up at 6 and feed my dogs and let them out and then go to work at 7. I ended up showing up 20 minutes late. At least I was opening so I was the only one there and I got most everything done before the boss got there at 8. I'm just really excited because I start a much better job today after school. I'm going to keep the Loaf job - it's an easy extra $160-$180 every two weeks. It's closing in February anyway, so it's not like it'll be forever. I just need to start saving and watching my money. I spent way too much of it this weekend on food and other extraneous activities, like going to the mall. I got some sweet new heels. You're jealous.

I've been super tired lately. I'm not getting enough sleep and I can tell by the headaches I get. I really need to start going to bed at a normal time. The weekend was not good for this, and I stayed up last night until my parents got home from the airport because I absolutely hate being alone in my house, especially if I have to sleep. So I didn't get into bed til around one and I had to get up at 8 this morning.

Not sure if I mentioned this previously, but my brother and his girlfriend broke up. She's not taking it well and wants me to talk to him all the time and remind him about how much he loved her and blah blah blah. It's kind of stupid because they moved in together last month after dating, being engaged, and dating again for almost two years. It's not my problem and I really don't want to deal with it. I can't make my brother come back to you, and if he wants to later, it'll happen.

I was watching Bridezillas this weekend, and I have come to the conclusion that I will most likely be one of them. Justin asked his parents about how they felt about a wedding on top of a skyscraper... because that's what I want. I'm really not interested in getting married in a church. I'm going to have a Disney Princess dress. They now have Disney Princess-based engagement rings. I showed Justin. Apparently they are not big enough. And just so everyone is clear, we are nowhere near the engagement point yet.

Things of interest from today:
Most expensive schools.
You're in control of your own happiness.
Message in a bot-tle.
I don't understand this at all.
Good thing I don't do this anyway.
Living together.
Managing your time.
But I love these!

Also, enjoy this:

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tests and today.

I got to school nice and early today at 7:30, which means I woke up when it was still dark out. That was painful. But I had to study for my psych test. I don't know what my problem is, but I just don't have the motivation this morning to study, and my test is in an hour and a half. I know what I'm talking about - mostly. It's just classical conditioning. Or something. But I looked at the review and it's way more stuff than I could ever remember, so I'm giving up on studying this morning. I'll at least get some points. I'll just sit here and eat my bagel and drink my coffee instead. It's a total waste of time. I'm not going to remember any of this.

On a happier note, I got the hostess job at the Asian bistro by my house. Next is the bartending class, and I would call myself a well-rounded woman. Also on a better note, I finished the homework for my ad layout/copywriting class. Writing headlines isn't terribly difficult.

I'm watching my dogs this weekend again, while my parents go to Vegas and my mom does her Coyote Ugly bit. I'm just kidding, she doesn't do that. They'd rather gamble their money than drink it. Speaking of Vegas, what's up with this? I thought death rays were only a product of science fiction.

There is definitely going to be a nap required upon my return home.

Historical recordings - nearing extinction?
Goldilocks planet.
Saving dollars at dollar stores?
New video gaming systems?
Stonehenge. (Not sure if I already linked this)
LEAVE STAR WARS THE WAY IT IS. George Lucas, don't be an idiot.

Silly picture I found yesterday using StumbleUpon:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Assignment #2

So, for our project in class, we're supposed to create an event or something and manage it on a fan page on FaceBook. Well, I wasn't comfortable having one, so I talked to the professor. We decided that I could make a Flickr account instead. Then about a week or so later, I was apparently supposed to make a fake account. Still not comfortable with that, I have not done so.

So, when asked what I have done so far for this project, my answer is: nothing. I don't feel comfortable making a profile, even if it is fake. I don't think I should have to make an account for any class, though I can say I'm pleased with the Blogger, Twitter, and Flickr accounts I have.

Here is a fun link for you, but not so fun for me: Didn't think I'd see the day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ok. Everyone in this room is sneezing. I'm learning about conditioning for the 73rd time in my life. I have a test Thursday. I don't want to be here. My eye hurts and I'm tired. Also, why do people in the psychology field find it necessary to invent words? Equipotentiality. I don't even know what that means. But I know it's invented because it is underlined in red. Clearly, this is not a word.

On an exciting note, I received my Zelda book yesterday. But then on a crappy note, I received a letter from the state of Minnesota stating that if I don't pay the ticket that was complete stupidness over a year and a half ago, they are going to levy my wages and what not. Well, maybe you shouldn't have told me I was going 15 over in a place where I most certainly was not. I really do not like that state.

Links of interestingosity (if psychologists can do it, I can do it, too):
People claiming to be religions actually don't know anything about religion. Go figure.
If you have problem skin, read this.
I like how all these reasons involve Mexico or some other part of Latin/South America.
The old lady from 'Titanic' died. I guess this wouldn't be so weird if I just hadn't watched this over the weekend.
More delicious food.
'The Hobbit.'

 <-- humorous

Monday, September 27, 2010


Pretty sure I just accidentally killed about 84 trees simultaneously. I forgot to scale down my Powerpoints, and the marketing ones aren't exactly short, so I got full slides. At least they used both sides of the paper. I guess that makes me feel a little better. I also opted not to go to class this morning, even if the professor does sound like Tom Hanks. I'm just not ready for this week to start.

I had to watch my dogs all weekend, which meant getting up early and feeding them and letting them out and things. On top of that, I also had to work all weekend. I didn't have a good sleeping schedule this weekend either. I am tired. And I get to do it again starting Thursday afternoon, since my parents are going to my aunt's destination wedding. All I'm going to say about that is that she'd better be getting married in one of those drive-thru chapels.

I'm using StumbleUpon at the moment, and I thought I would share that, based on my birthday, I have fallen from a weeping willow tree. I'm not sure I want to be a Melancholy, but it describes me perfectly: WEEPING WILLOW (the Melancholy) - beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.
Justin fell from a hornbeam tree, and it also describes him perfectly: HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.

I suppose that's enough randomness for right now. Here are your daily links, though few. By few, I mean two:
Old people do something cool.
Wisconsin gets some recognition - What's up with all this flooding around here?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ultimate Challenge: Level 1-6

Make sure you watch the whole series!


Quick note: I added some new pictures to Flickr, so please check them out!


Today is going to be one of those days. I just feel it. You know why I feel it? I went out to my car to leave for school. I opened the door and went to grab my iPod out before I put my coffee in its cup holder, only to discover that not only was the iPod not there, but the cable that hooks in to my car to play it was also missing, as well as the USB that plugs it in to my computer for charging and syncing the songs. I then noticed that my keys were pulled out of the place where the keys go - someone help me out with this word - so my car wouldn't make noise with the doors open. Talk about stupid. I mean, my house is located in super suburbia, where there are small children only in the neighborhood. I didn't even get home until 11:30 last night, so I'm not sure when it was taken. I thought maybe my dad was puling a joke on me, but that is not the case. It just sucks because the iPod was a birthday present four years ago, and the cable was a birthday present this year. Whoever took it, fuck off and die in a fire. It's ok, I'll just buy myself a better one from I'm just glad I took my purse into the house when I got home last night; my digital camera was in it. That may also have been stolen if, indeed, my iPod has been stolen.

I should be hearing about the piano bar job today and the bistro job Friday. Please let me get one of these jobs. I'm sick of Loaf and Jug.

I'm also not sure how I feel about the new iTunes update. The whole logo changed and the setup changed and I'm JUST. NOT. SURE.

I'm signing up for a bartending class today. I'm pretty excited. It only costs $18 so I figured, why the hell not. It'll make me more marketable to places and more flexible.

Here are the daily link postings:
Everyone loves the Earth
I hope to never be this old
On the off chance you are $100k in debt
I wish this many people would attend my birthday
Something cool about the Titanic

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today will be good.

I know today will be a good one. Why? you may ask. I will tell you why. 1) I have an interview today for another hostess job, and 2) I found a parking spot in the commuter lot. In fact, I found two spots next to each other in the lot. It's just too bad I couldn't park in both, or reserve one for later (as Justin said). Anyway, it was very exciting.

I'm sitting around waiting for class to start. I decided to treat myself this week and sleep in until 7:30 every morning. I think it just makes me more tired, because I don't want to get out of bed more at 7:30 then I did at 6:50. But, for whatever reason, my coffee tastes better than it usually does this morning. It's a little on the sweet side, though. I don't think I should put a whole packet of Sweet n Low in it anymore. Maybe it's a sign that I should just sleep in every morning. I also decided it doesn't matter if I show up late to my 9:30 classes, because attendance is not taken and one of them is located in a gigantic lecture hall.

I'm sure I'll be updating throughout the day as events take place. Wish me luck at my interview this afternoon! Then it's all the way back to school for my Zeta meeting. Blah. I just wish I didn't have to drive all the way home and then all the way back. It's somewhere around 30 miles one way.

Here are some interesting things for your learning pleasure:
Video games! I'm especially excited for Goldeneye 007 for the Wii! Speaking of video games, I nerded it up yesterday and bought this.
Noam Chomsky, feral children, something delicious.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Loaf and Jug and other things.

I found out yesterday, while receiving a ride home from work from a fellow co-worker, that our place of business is closing in February. I'm glad I have already started looking for other jobs. This wouldn't make me so angry, I suppose, if my boss would have told us. He's been sending one or two people home an hour or two early every day that I've been working. Everyone knows, but for whatever reason, he hasn't come out and told us. I'm applying for hostess jobs and taking a bartending class next month in order to be more marketable. I want to stay in this business because I like it and I plan on doing this for a living further down the road with Justin.
... Maybe it would have done better if breakfast was served every day. Breakfast seems to be a good seller, or whatever you want to call it.

I had my first Onion event in over a month last Thursday. It was just Sammi and me, but it was a ton of fun. I missed doing these things and I'm glad she was still interested in having me as an intern. I think it would be awesome if I interned long enough and was offered a job with The Onion. How awesome would that be?

Fun fact: This professor sounds like Tom Hanks.

I tried to find some interesting articles today, but there was nothing that piqued mine, so you're all out of luck =P

Just kidding. I found you something hilarious.

I'm also looking forward to this. In case you're wondering, I'm a Nintendo nerd. I love video games, especially the Zelda series. Ocarina of Time is my favorite game of all time.
I'm working on Twilight Princess for the Wii right now. I played it extensively about a year ago, but never finished. I didn't play for over a year. so I had to start over because I forgot how to complete the special sword skills. Then I couldn't find my original copy, so I had to buy a new one from GameStop. As luck would have it, I found my copy about a week after I could return it for full price. Such is life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here are some interesting things.

Something about porn.
Onion hilarity.
Disney apparently has weddings.

Also, I would like to discuss my displeasure about the parking here on campus. They have commuter lots, but I see non-commuter cars and staff cars and a whole bunch of BS. Commuter lots should be for commuters and I think they should have separate staff lots. Did you know that a commuter sticker does not exempt you from paying at the parking meters, ALSO located in the commuter lot? We've already paid for our sticker, so why should we have to pay additional money to park at the meters IN THE LOT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO PARK IN ANYWAY? There are also reserved spots in another adjacent commuter lot and there are never any cars parked in them. They just sit around and take up space that could be used for people that DRIVE 30 MILES TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY.

I'm also extremely tired and don't want to be here today. Being woken up in the middle of a dream accounts for tiredness. It happened not once, but twice this morning. And my coffee this morning was terrible. And that energy drink I consumed this morning didn't do anything for me. That may have something to do with my mood. It is also cold and windy.

There was also a girl in my psych class that really had a case of the sneezes. I would not have found this so obnoxious if every time it happened she didn't sound like a squirrel or other small mammal that squeaked. Possibly a hamster or chinchilla. On top of that, I find psychology classes quite boring and redundant now that I am no longer a psych major. You can only learn the same things so many times.

Katie invited Justin and I to A Taste of Whitewater next Friday. She loves food, he loves food, and I love food, so it should be a really fun time. Not to mention I don't have class that day, so I don't have to go home and come back later. I hate it when that happens. All this talk of food has made me hungry.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Just a quick question...

Does anyone know how to make a watermark for photography NOT in Photoshop? Mostly because I don't have and can't afford Photoshop.

Any feedback would be fantastic. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ego Surfing

Social Media Optimization. I was a bit skeptical about it at first, mostly because I wasn't completely sure what social media was. The first class was really informative, and I'm pretty excited about what's to come and what I'm going to learn, since I apparently have a lot of it to do.

So the first homework assignment was ego surfing; basically, entering my name into a search engine and seeing what pops up. So, I entered my name and this is what I found:

I always forget about my presence on the Internet, so I'm always surprised when I search my name and find these things. I'm a little confused about why I didn't see the Royal Purple and Zeta stuff when I searched during class, but what can you do?
Some goals for the result of my Ego Search:

  1. Establish a photographic presence on the Internet
  2. Get my love of food out there, maybe write some restaurant reviews (?)
  3. Learn how to use youtube. As in, upload videos
  4. Network!
I'm sure as the semester progresses, I'll be able to add more to this list of goals.

There's more stuff I have to add to this, but I'll save for now and continue this update later.

Update 9/13
I made a few accounts.

  1. Twitter
  2. YouTube - I believe this will take you to the YouTube page... that has nothing on it at this time.
  3. Flickr

Please check them out at some point!

I also had to watch this video about social media building: Gary Vaynerchuck. Interesting guy, and he made some interesting points. However, for being 30-something and trying to promote social media, I didn't find him very professional, though he had a professional career. I'm going to attribute the lack of professionalism to his constant use of profanity. I'm no angel, but if you're trying to be professional, I would advise against cussing while trying to talk to your audience about something you believe in and feel strongly about. I did enjoy the hilarity value in this video. If you're funny, people are going to remember you and remember the things you say. But maybe that's just me; I tend to remember things that I think are funny. So in that sense, his message was effective. Overall, these are the two things that stuck out to me the most about this video. I'll probably have to watch it a couple more times to fully understand the message Gary V is trying to convey.

Also, if none of these links work correctly, please let me know and I will fix them.