Thursday, December 23, 2010


It's that time of year again.

The time of year when there are ridiculous lines that stretch to the off ramp to get into Target. The time of year when dad wants to know my grades. The time of year when mom pulls her hair out and some of it could fall into the lasagna. The time of year when you order things online in November and they still won't get here until after the holiday.

That's right. It's Christmas.

I get to see friends I haven't seen in awhile, which is always nice. Dan, Adam, Kate (Kevin), and Maggie came over last night. We all went to dinner at the Bistro (try the volcano chicken mmm) and headed down to La Cage. Justin came along and he ended up having a really good time and made a new friend in Adam.

On a side note, can someone explain why everyone on Jerry Springer is from the south? And why the stories they tell always involve WalMart?

Anyway. It's time to start cleaning my room. Apparently we're having the Christmas party tomorrow (which is cause for my mom's hair pulling), and she is under the impression that people will want to be in my room. It's ok. I should dust and vacuum it anyway.

Happy Non-Denominational Holiday!

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