Thursday, October 14, 2010


I haven't been updating much since I haven't been bored in class much, but I'm going to take an opportunity today to update about my life.

First, Food Wars Milwaukee was on the Travel Channel last night. My parents said my 'ugly mug' was on it quite a bit. Hooray. Don't I feel special? It's just a little too bad that the guy I sent my resume to for an internship never got back to me. It would have been a little fun to go to NYC, but I know as soon as I got there I would be terrified, probably curl into the fetal position in the middle of Times Square, and cry. Then go home, most likely.

I'm getting a new phone tonight. Finally, a Blackberry. It will be purple and it will make me happy.

Ew. Everyone in this class is blowing their nose and coughing all over the place. Get me out of here.

I'm going to lunch with Katie today. Hopefully there is a good place to get Asian food in this town. I've been craving it ever since I started at the Bistro. I'm sad I'm not on the schedule for the rest of the week; they did, however, tell me to keep my phone on in case they needed me. I told Justin, and he wanted to know if there was going to be some kind of dining emergency. DINING EMERGENCY, YOU COME NOW?

Wow, my life has been really uneventful lately, eh?

I didn't know they still did this.
The mafia still exists?
One of the coolest things ever.
You need a psychologist to figure this shit out?

And I know this is old news, but I still find this hilarious. Much like the girl I was behind on my way to class that was wearing mittens and sandals. As if her feet were on vacation.

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