Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some random things.

I have decided to entertain you, as well as myself, with a list of things I enjoy. Maybe you also enjoy them, too.

Reading. The Legend of Zelda (mainly Ocarina of Time, but Twilight Princess is up there). Nintendo. World of Warcraft. Hanging out. Blogging. The Internet. Writing. Texting. Rum. Going out. The zoo. Puppies. Kittens. Werewolves. Halloween. Cooking. Eating. Culture. Music. Sushi. Anime. Baseball. Tequila. Chocolate milk. Skim milk. Diet cherry pepsi. Sleeping. Sugar free Red Bull and sugar free Monster. Photography. Singing along with the radio. Mac and Apple. Kisses. Hugs. Emotions (captured on film). Indie and foreign films. The Sims 3 (now, if only I could get it to work on my laptop...). Random humorous things. Inside jokes. Laughing. Coffee. Advertising. Ancient history. Warm laundry. Jimmy John's (#6 with extra extra tomatoes and cucumbers + onions and yellow mustard, no mayo, or the #12, no mayo, gutted, no tomato, add onions and bacon). Being cozy in my bed with a nice breeze coming in through the open window. Summer. Driving. Windmills. Taverns. Green and pink. Sunshine. Playgrounds. Thunderstorms.

Now, a list of things I do not enjoy:


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