Monday, November 1, 2010


Well, the first major development from this weekend is that I am most likely going to quit Loaf and Jug. Why, you may ask? Basically, a couple people are coming back that have been MIA for months and months and they are taking our hours. Yes, those of us who have been opening on weekends and keeping it going. We no longer open and I'm losing my Fridays. I'm coming in at 10 on Saturdays and Sundays. We did all this, and this is how we get thanked? By getting our hours cut for someone who comes in and works 3 1/2 hour shifts? Fridays I usually work 9-3 and this person is coming in and working 10-1:30. Tell me how this makes any sense at all. Whatever. If it stays like this after the schedules that are already up, I'm confronting the boss and most likely quitting if he gives me the same answer he gave Ryan. Ryan worked one day a weekend because he had cross country. Now it's over and he's still working one day, and very pointless shifts. For example, 8-11 Is that even a shift? I'm not sure what's going on at that place, but it better stop.

I am, however, enjoying my time at the Bistro. Everyone there is so nice. The only downside is that I want asian food all the time. Like today, I really really want to stop there on my way home and get some tempura. I can't because I need to start watching my weight though. I'm gaining weight again and it's really discouraging me. This time last year, I was sitting at 140. I'm probably 20 pounds more than that now. Ugh.

The girl in front of me on my way here could not drive. The truck in front of her was going faster. Then we got to campus and she must have seen someone walk to their car because she sat herself in the middle of the aisle while I was driving around the lot trying to find a dumb spot. She must have been sitting there for 5 minutes before I pulled into a meter spot because I no longer give a shit. The parking here is stupid, but I'm not sure who I whine to about it. She was causing traffic problems. What a dumb idiot.

I was also informed I cannot take the last two classes I need to graduate at the same time since I clearly knew that one was a pre req for the other. Yes, I was well aware of this. If my GPA had been high enough last semester when I registered, I would have taken it this semester, you b holes. I've had so many problems with this school. I would never ever recommend it to anyone.

I need these shoes.

Also something fun and educational at the same time.

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