Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well, he did it. My brother, the idiot, got married yesterday in a courthouse in Texas. I have not yet congratulated him and my mom thinks it's bullshit that I haven't yet. Well, it could possibly be because I don't support his dumb ass. "Well, it's about unconditional love of your family." Yeah, I love my brother, but that still doesn't mean I have to support his dumb decision. "You're just jealous then." And Justin couldn't have put it any better when he said this:

I wish I could live in Texas with my in laws that I just met with rattle snakes all over the place and 5000 degree temperatures after marrying someone in a yeehaw courthouse somewhere that I just met like three days ago and only did so so I could live off the the government because I know I can't support myself.

Then my mom said, "At least he didn't elope in Vegas." No, mom, he didn't. He eloped in Texas.

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