Monday, February 14, 2011

Today... Not So Exciting.

Well this week is full of awesomeness and tests. Tests being the awesomeness in this scenario. I'm being sarcastic. I have a learning and conditioning test today (gag) and on Thursday I have a test on Hinduism and another in stats. Hooray, stats (vomit). I should be studying for psych. But... clearly, I am not.

Oh boo. I ate my lunch and now all I have left is yogurt and half a can of diet Pepsi. Disappointment at its finest. Not to mention today is Valentine's Day. I got Justin a card and a heart maze, because they came in a pack of six for a dollar. He finally got the rest of his Christmas present last weekend. Talk about delay - I ordered it in November. I also may have stated this in an earlier entry. Today also marks a year since I've been to Winona. I never want to remember that day - well, night - again. What a terrible day it was last year. I spent most of it crying.

I got a parking ticket today. I couldn't find a single quarter in my car, but I was able to find a bunch of pennies, which the meters don't accept, and a dead bee.

I don't have any news links for you to enjoy today. I want to see C-Lo's Grammy performance, but the Grammy's have blocked youtube content. Le sigh.

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