Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tests and today.

I got to school nice and early today at 7:30, which means I woke up when it was still dark out. That was painful. But I had to study for my psych test. I don't know what my problem is, but I just don't have the motivation this morning to study, and my test is in an hour and a half. I know what I'm talking about - mostly. It's just classical conditioning. Or something. But I looked at the review and it's way more stuff than I could ever remember, so I'm giving up on studying this morning. I'll at least get some points. I'll just sit here and eat my bagel and drink my coffee instead. It's a total waste of time. I'm not going to remember any of this.

On a happier note, I got the hostess job at the Asian bistro by my house. Next is the bartending class, and I would call myself a well-rounded woman. Also on a better note, I finished the homework for my ad layout/copywriting class. Writing headlines isn't terribly difficult.

I'm watching my dogs this weekend again, while my parents go to Vegas and my mom does her Coyote Ugly bit. I'm just kidding, she doesn't do that. They'd rather gamble their money than drink it. Speaking of Vegas, what's up with this? I thought death rays were only a product of science fiction.

There is definitely going to be a nap required upon my return home.

Historical recordings - nearing extinction?
Goldilocks planet.
Saving dollars at dollar stores?
New video gaming systems?
Stonehenge. (Not sure if I already linked this)
LEAVE STAR WARS THE WAY IT IS. George Lucas, don't be an idiot.

Silly picture I found yesterday using StumbleUpon:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Assignment #2

So, for our project in class, we're supposed to create an event or something and manage it on a fan page on FaceBook. Well, I wasn't comfortable having one, so I talked to the professor. We decided that I could make a Flickr account instead. Then about a week or so later, I was apparently supposed to make a fake account. Still not comfortable with that, I have not done so.

So, when asked what I have done so far for this project, my answer is: nothing. I don't feel comfortable making a profile, even if it is fake. I don't think I should have to make an account for any class, though I can say I'm pleased with the Blogger, Twitter, and Flickr accounts I have.

Here is a fun link for you, but not so fun for me: Didn't think I'd see the day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ok. Everyone in this room is sneezing. I'm learning about conditioning for the 73rd time in my life. I have a test Thursday. I don't want to be here. My eye hurts and I'm tired. Also, why do people in the psychology field find it necessary to invent words? Equipotentiality. I don't even know what that means. But I know it's invented because it is underlined in red. Clearly, this is not a word.

On an exciting note, I received my Zelda book yesterday. But then on a crappy note, I received a letter from the state of Minnesota stating that if I don't pay the ticket that was complete stupidness over a year and a half ago, they are going to levy my wages and what not. Well, maybe you shouldn't have told me I was going 15 over in a place where I most certainly was not. I really do not like that state.

Links of interestingosity (if psychologists can do it, I can do it, too):
People claiming to be religions actually don't know anything about religion. Go figure.
If you have problem skin, read this.
I like how all these reasons involve Mexico or some other part of Latin/South America.
The old lady from 'Titanic' died. I guess this wouldn't be so weird if I just hadn't watched this over the weekend.
More delicious food.
'The Hobbit.'

 <-- humorous

Monday, September 27, 2010


Pretty sure I just accidentally killed about 84 trees simultaneously. I forgot to scale down my Powerpoints, and the marketing ones aren't exactly short, so I got full slides. At least they used both sides of the paper. I guess that makes me feel a little better. I also opted not to go to class this morning, even if the professor does sound like Tom Hanks. I'm just not ready for this week to start.

I had to watch my dogs all weekend, which meant getting up early and feeding them and letting them out and things. On top of that, I also had to work all weekend. I didn't have a good sleeping schedule this weekend either. I am tired. And I get to do it again starting Thursday afternoon, since my parents are going to my aunt's destination wedding. All I'm going to say about that is that she'd better be getting married in one of those drive-thru chapels.

I'm using StumbleUpon at the moment, and I thought I would share that, based on my birthday, I have fallen from a weeping willow tree. I'm not sure I want to be a Melancholy, but it describes me perfectly: WEEPING WILLOW (the Melancholy) - beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.
Justin fell from a hornbeam tree, and it also describes him perfectly: HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.

I suppose that's enough randomness for right now. Here are your daily links, though few. By few, I mean two:
Old people do something cool.
Wisconsin gets some recognition - What's up with all this flooding around here?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ultimate Challenge: Level 1-6

Make sure you watch the whole series!


Quick note: I added some new pictures to Flickr, so please check them out!


Today is going to be one of those days. I just feel it. You know why I feel it? I went out to my car to leave for school. I opened the door and went to grab my iPod out before I put my coffee in its cup holder, only to discover that not only was the iPod not there, but the cable that hooks in to my car to play it was also missing, as well as the USB that plugs it in to my computer for charging and syncing the songs. I then noticed that my keys were pulled out of the place where the keys go - someone help me out with this word - so my car wouldn't make noise with the doors open. Talk about stupid. I mean, my house is located in super suburbia, where there are small children only in the neighborhood. I didn't even get home until 11:30 last night, so I'm not sure when it was taken. I thought maybe my dad was puling a joke on me, but that is not the case. It just sucks because the iPod was a birthday present four years ago, and the cable was a birthday present this year. Whoever took it, fuck off and die in a fire. It's ok, I'll just buy myself a better one from I'm just glad I took my purse into the house when I got home last night; my digital camera was in it. That may also have been stolen if, indeed, my iPod has been stolen.

I should be hearing about the piano bar job today and the bistro job Friday. Please let me get one of these jobs. I'm sick of Loaf and Jug.

I'm also not sure how I feel about the new iTunes update. The whole logo changed and the setup changed and I'm JUST. NOT. SURE.

I'm signing up for a bartending class today. I'm pretty excited. It only costs $18 so I figured, why the hell not. It'll make me more marketable to places and more flexible.

Here are the daily link postings:
Everyone loves the Earth
I hope to never be this old
On the off chance you are $100k in debt
I wish this many people would attend my birthday
Something cool about the Titanic

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today will be good.

I know today will be a good one. Why? you may ask. I will tell you why. 1) I have an interview today for another hostess job, and 2) I found a parking spot in the commuter lot. In fact, I found two spots next to each other in the lot. It's just too bad I couldn't park in both, or reserve one for later (as Justin said). Anyway, it was very exciting.

I'm sitting around waiting for class to start. I decided to treat myself this week and sleep in until 7:30 every morning. I think it just makes me more tired, because I don't want to get out of bed more at 7:30 then I did at 6:50. But, for whatever reason, my coffee tastes better than it usually does this morning. It's a little on the sweet side, though. I don't think I should put a whole packet of Sweet n Low in it anymore. Maybe it's a sign that I should just sleep in every morning. I also decided it doesn't matter if I show up late to my 9:30 classes, because attendance is not taken and one of them is located in a gigantic lecture hall.

I'm sure I'll be updating throughout the day as events take place. Wish me luck at my interview this afternoon! Then it's all the way back to school for my Zeta meeting. Blah. I just wish I didn't have to drive all the way home and then all the way back. It's somewhere around 30 miles one way.

Here are some interesting things for your learning pleasure:
Video games! I'm especially excited for Goldeneye 007 for the Wii! Speaking of video games, I nerded it up yesterday and bought this.
Noam Chomsky, feral children, something delicious.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Loaf and Jug and other things.

I found out yesterday, while receiving a ride home from work from a fellow co-worker, that our place of business is closing in February. I'm glad I have already started looking for other jobs. This wouldn't make me so angry, I suppose, if my boss would have told us. He's been sending one or two people home an hour or two early every day that I've been working. Everyone knows, but for whatever reason, he hasn't come out and told us. I'm applying for hostess jobs and taking a bartending class next month in order to be more marketable. I want to stay in this business because I like it and I plan on doing this for a living further down the road with Justin.
... Maybe it would have done better if breakfast was served every day. Breakfast seems to be a good seller, or whatever you want to call it.

I had my first Onion event in over a month last Thursday. It was just Sammi and me, but it was a ton of fun. I missed doing these things and I'm glad she was still interested in having me as an intern. I think it would be awesome if I interned long enough and was offered a job with The Onion. How awesome would that be?

Fun fact: This professor sounds like Tom Hanks.

I tried to find some interesting articles today, but there was nothing that piqued mine, so you're all out of luck =P

Just kidding. I found you something hilarious.

I'm also looking forward to this. In case you're wondering, I'm a Nintendo nerd. I love video games, especially the Zelda series. Ocarina of Time is my favorite game of all time.
I'm working on Twilight Princess for the Wii right now. I played it extensively about a year ago, but never finished. I didn't play for over a year. so I had to start over because I forgot how to complete the special sword skills. Then I couldn't find my original copy, so I had to buy a new one from GameStop. As luck would have it, I found my copy about a week after I could return it for full price. Such is life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here are some interesting things.

Something about porn.
Onion hilarity.
Disney apparently has weddings.

Also, I would like to discuss my displeasure about the parking here on campus. They have commuter lots, but I see non-commuter cars and staff cars and a whole bunch of BS. Commuter lots should be for commuters and I think they should have separate staff lots. Did you know that a commuter sticker does not exempt you from paying at the parking meters, ALSO located in the commuter lot? We've already paid for our sticker, so why should we have to pay additional money to park at the meters IN THE LOT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO PARK IN ANYWAY? There are also reserved spots in another adjacent commuter lot and there are never any cars parked in them. They just sit around and take up space that could be used for people that DRIVE 30 MILES TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY.

I'm also extremely tired and don't want to be here today. Being woken up in the middle of a dream accounts for tiredness. It happened not once, but twice this morning. And my coffee this morning was terrible. And that energy drink I consumed this morning didn't do anything for me. That may have something to do with my mood. It is also cold and windy.

There was also a girl in my psych class that really had a case of the sneezes. I would not have found this so obnoxious if every time it happened she didn't sound like a squirrel or other small mammal that squeaked. Possibly a hamster or chinchilla. On top of that, I find psychology classes quite boring and redundant now that I am no longer a psych major. You can only learn the same things so many times.

Katie invited Justin and I to A Taste of Whitewater next Friday. She loves food, he loves food, and I love food, so it should be a really fun time. Not to mention I don't have class that day, so I don't have to go home and come back later. I hate it when that happens. All this talk of food has made me hungry.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Just a quick question...

Does anyone know how to make a watermark for photography NOT in Photoshop? Mostly because I don't have and can't afford Photoshop.

Any feedback would be fantastic. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ego Surfing

Social Media Optimization. I was a bit skeptical about it at first, mostly because I wasn't completely sure what social media was. The first class was really informative, and I'm pretty excited about what's to come and what I'm going to learn, since I apparently have a lot of it to do.

So the first homework assignment was ego surfing; basically, entering my name into a search engine and seeing what pops up. So, I entered my name and this is what I found:

I always forget about my presence on the Internet, so I'm always surprised when I search my name and find these things. I'm a little confused about why I didn't see the Royal Purple and Zeta stuff when I searched during class, but what can you do?
Some goals for the result of my Ego Search:

  1. Establish a photographic presence on the Internet
  2. Get my love of food out there, maybe write some restaurant reviews (?)
  3. Learn how to use youtube. As in, upload videos
  4. Network!
I'm sure as the semester progresses, I'll be able to add more to this list of goals.

There's more stuff I have to add to this, but I'll save for now and continue this update later.

Update 9/13
I made a few accounts.

  1. Twitter
  2. YouTube - I believe this will take you to the YouTube page... that has nothing on it at this time.
  3. Flickr

Please check them out at some point!

I also had to watch this video about social media building: Gary Vaynerchuck. Interesting guy, and he made some interesting points. However, for being 30-something and trying to promote social media, I didn't find him very professional, though he had a professional career. I'm going to attribute the lack of professionalism to his constant use of profanity. I'm no angel, but if you're trying to be professional, I would advise against cussing while trying to talk to your audience about something you believe in and feel strongly about. I did enjoy the hilarity value in this video. If you're funny, people are going to remember you and remember the things you say. But maybe that's just me; I tend to remember things that I think are funny. So in that sense, his message was effective. Overall, these are the two things that stuck out to me the most about this video. I'll probably have to watch it a couple more times to fully understand the message Gary V is trying to convey.

Also, if none of these links work correctly, please let me know and I will fix them.