Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spring 2011

Well, school has started back up, allowing me time to revisit the blog between classes, or during a class which I find boring. I'm sorry for the neglect for anyone who may have been keeping up with me.

I had two classes back to back, one of them being stats for psychology. I dread that class with every square inch of my body and soul. I hate stats and I hate psychology. I suppose that's what I get for making it my minor (the whole reason in the first place being so I wouldn't have to take stats), transferring to a school near my house in Wisconsin, and having to take two additional classes in psychology anyway. How lame.

Between stats and marketing, I went to the book store to rent my books for the semester. I currently have them all in my backpack because I wasn't going to go to the book store, get 1,304 pounds of books, walk back to my car in the dumb cold, and then walk back to the building that was across from the book store to go to class.

I'm also tired, since I forced myself to sleep at 1:30 this morning and had my TV set to sleep after two hours. I woke up at 6, was in and out until about 7:15, and then was just awake until I had to get out of bed at 8. I won't have the luxury of sleeping tomorrow either, since I have an interview at 9. That means I get to wake up at 7, hooray.

Other than the immediate events, nothing exciting is going on. Mom is in Mexico with my aunt and her new husband and my grandpa at my aunt's condo. I wonder wtf her husband does that he has a huge house in Chicago and a condo in Mexico. Whatever it is, sign me up.

I'm going to jump in to my last full semester and hope I don't fall behind.

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